When I started practicing dentistry in 2011 and purchased my own practice in 2015, I began to notice a lot of my patients experienced extreme TMJ pain, muscle spasms and grinding of their teeth. Migraine headaches were also a frequent complaint.
Along with getting my patients fitted with occlusal guards and encouraging orthodontic treatment if it was indicated, I began to research the benefits of BOTOX® Therapeutic. I took the opportunity to contact the American Academy of Facial Esthetics and invested in extensive hands-on training to continue to provide the highest quality of care for my patients. I have helped many of my patients achieve pain relief with Botox Therapeutic. I also continue to be an active member of the AAFE.
Botox is an FDA-approved medicine that prevents a muscle from moving for a period of time. Patients experience a break in their pain cycles and the injections disrupt the triggers that can cause migraine pain and muscle spasms associated with TMJ and grinding. The difference for patients is amazing!
When a patient schedules for a Botox therapeutic exam my assistant and I map the triggers that are causing the pain. When we target the “pattern” I can then inject the medicine in these areas which block certain nerves and create relief.
Botox is a treatment that needs to be repeated. Most patients will have symptoms return when the Botox starts to “wear off” in 3-6 months.
As a dentist extensively trained in administering Botox Therapeutic as well as Botox Cosmetic, I can continue to serve my patients to the best of my ability. We invite you to give us a call to schedule a visit if you need help with TMJ symptoms. Thank you for visiting Smile Designers online! We are proud to provide Botox Therapeutic serving patients in Gresham, Oregon. If you would like to learn more or to schedule an appointment with me, Dr. Anna Dneprov, please call our office today at 503-661-6613!